This is great, yet terrifying. My work is being exposed publicly in Gastown, at Cambie and West Cordova. It is quite a project, involving several artists, some of them homeless, some street graffiti masters. All of us with our own vision, our own discourse, but with a common goal of intervening public space, cheering the crowd. The project was conceptualized by Andrew Owen, a crazy, amazing guy from Toronto. Definitely check out his site, just wow.
The piece I made for the entry is called "Offseted Cloud Dissipation No1" and implies several stages of creation:
a) First I animated the clouds dissipating, I scanned in the animation and I devided the frames in 9 pieces. Every piece was printed separately and assembled into a huge stencil.
b) Then white paint was applied
c) Then orange
d) For five times in a row.
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